Company News
New Resources Section!
We're on a mission! Our clients are always asking us questions on a large variety of topics regarding their business. And now we're going to share our answers with you! We've created a new Resources section with our thoughts about email, newsletters, graphics, photos, and more!
Company Profile
Co-founders Kathy Smiley and Robin L. Rose founded SmileyRose Web Solutions in September, 2001 in order to promote their love of web design. SmileyRose Web Solutions now provides business consulting and marketing, custom website design, web development, shopping carts, and high speed dial-up Internet access.
We feel truly fortunate to be both residents and business owners in Ramona, CA. The rural lifestyle combined with hometown atmosphere and friendly people (not to mention the perfect weather!) are something we are proud to be part of. The Commitment to Community program has been established to allow us to give back to our community.
Commitment to Community
We offer, to any non-profit or not-for-profit organization, free or low cost website design and maintenance, and hosting. For those organizations that have existing domains, or would like one, we offer at-cost setup and hosting.
For additional information, please contact us.